Point-like Objects in this image

Note - positive radial velocities indicate objects moving away from us.

Red flux is measured at 0.7 microns, green at 0.5 microns and blue at 0.44 microns.

Uncertainties are (one standard deviation figures):

Click here for the data in the following table in text format, suitable for loading into Excel or other programs.
Name X Y Blue Flux Green Flux Red Flux Parallax Radial Velocity Variable?
  (deg) (deg) (W/m2/nm) (W/m2/nm) (W/m2/nm) (arcsec) (km/s)  
P01069 1.491 43.167 1.01e-146.76e-153.97e-15 0.007 -3.00 No
P04713 1.815 42.214 1.91e-131.06e-134.80e-14 0.008 -2.99 No
P03530 1.846 39.960 8.36e-177.77e-175.93e-17 0.002 -2.25 No
P05503 3.404 32.089 2.30e-141.39e-148.00e-15 0.007 -2.76 No
P03009 7.034 36.958 4.04e-142.41e-141.29e-14 0.007 -2.91 No
P04190 10.972 44.438 6.23e-123.06e-121.44e-12 0.008 -3.28 No
P05550 11.588 41.309 9.40e-156.67e-153.87e-15 0.007 -3.10 No
P05224 19.673 43.749 5.90e-143.40e-141.68e-14 0.006 -3.21 No
P02536 20.416 41.875 1.13e-175.83e-182.58e-18 0.004 -3.14 No
P00565 20.560 42.357 8.49e-167.51e-165.67e-16 0.007 -3.14 No
P00489 23.366 43.089 1.89e-139.80e-144.60e-14 0.005 -3.17 No
P01592 25.786 35.597 7.82e-167.20e-165.07e-16 0.005 -2.95 No
P03280 31.600 30.836 3.46e-163.95e-163.38e-16 0.007 -1.84 No
P02537 32.292 31.767 1.77e-141.59e-141.18e-14 0.027 -0.16 No
P03287 33.821 12.306 2.49e-161.98e-161.33e-16 0.002 -1.04 Light Curve
P06458 34.142 28.922 2.27e-141.39e-146.88e-15 0.002 -2.23 No
P01168 36.826 35.616 2.73e-142.14e-141.37e-14 0.017 -0.66 Light Curve
P03802 37.978 17.504 6.85e-175.90e-174.34e-17 0.001 -0.62 No
P01828 38.210 19.442 1.98e-172.14e-171.71e-17 0.002 -1.29 No
P06431 38.222 14.841 2.73e-172.82e-172.36e-17 0.004 -0.77 No
P03391 40.837 21.250 2.64e-172.51e-171.96e-17 0.003 -1.65 No
P04997 41.095 17.240 2.17e-172.29e-171.95e-17 0.003 -0.36 No
P04479 41.285 20.107 3.93e-152.18e-151.10e-15 0.003 -1.17 No
P00834 41.310 31.956 4.23e-163.92e-162.90e-16 0.004 -2.56 No
P05273 41.422 17.627 1.33e-161.06e-167.64e-17 0.002 -0.30 Light Curve
P03766 41.795 17.788 5.24e-174.80e-173.68e-17 0.001 -0.25 No
P02110 42.138 15.498 1.69e-141.62e-141.26e-14 0.032 0.72 No
P03586 42.078 15.705 3.92e-152.39e-151.15e-15 0.004 -0.94 No
P06960 42.266 18.870 1.69e-171.84e-171.54e-17 0.003 -0.06 No
P04218 42.520 17.200 1.17e-161.02e-167.12e-17 0.002 -0.39 No
P00006 42.540 19.330 5.34e-163.55e-162.06e-16 0.002 -0.28 No
P02913 42.760 20.838 2.32e-172.42e-171.84e-17 -0.000 -1.19 No
P03721 43.042 20.885 1.23e-157.81e-164.31e-16 0.001 -1.13 No
P06318 42.934 26.255 2.60e-131.57e-137.83e-14 0.013 -0.69 No
P00650 43.215 19.544 2.21e-161.67e-161.07e-16 0.002 -0.24 Light Curve
P02670 43.228 15.977 7.68e-165.28e-163.20e-16 0.002 -0.98 No
P02656 43.612 19.558 2.53e-151.50e-158.06e-16 0.001 -0.23 No
P02754 43.747 27.333 1.51e-128.35e-134.09e-13 0.022 0.23 No
P04234 44.060 16.848 8.85e-154.77e-152.27e-15 0.002 -1.04 No
P00051 44.499 18.963 6.09e-153.45e-151.68e-15 0.002 0.19 No
P01383 44.578 19.937 4.80e-174.37e-173.33e-17 0.002 0.01 No
P04102 44.745 19.614 1.10e-168.91e-176.46e-17 0.001 0.32 No
P06188 44.766 24.901 5.71e-144.02e-142.39e-14 0.018 -0.12 No

Fuzzy Things in this image

Note - positive radial velocities indicate objects moving away from us.

Red flux is measured at 0.7 microns, green at 0.5 microns and blue at 0.44 microns.

Uncertainties are:

Click here for the data in the following table in text format, suitable for loading into Excel or other programs.
Name X Y Blue Flux Green Flux Red Flux Size Radial Velocity
  (deg) (deg) (W/m^2/nm) (W/m2/nm) (W/m2/nm) (arcsec) (km/s)